Friday, September 19, 2008

It's been awhile!

Quick updates from Washington. Jim.....Still doing the same although the Elders Quorum gave hi an assignment to give a five minute presentation on the first and third Sundays each month about the provident living website. I think this is more of a ploy to get him to go to Elders Quorum than for actual information! Arlene..... Started a job at Good Samaritan hospital. She is late for everything in her life except for this. Everyday so far she is at work well in excess of fifteen minutes early. She truly is enjoying working. I think it gives her self worth. We are very proud of her. Bevin.... Started Jr. High!!!! Doing good so far he is taking drama/speech and playing football after school. Of course he still is in scouting and is the first couselour in the Deacons Quroum, What a good boy he is. We are looking forward to November second when our sister will be in town with her husband and the rest of the E-A-G-L-E-S! Go Eagles! I downloaded a virus to my computer and lost all my documents:( Pictures and all so please email links to blogs etc. Over and out.


Kizzy said...

so good to hear from you FINALLY! that is great that arlene is enjoying her job. we are sad we can't come out for the game in nov. we will be at disneyland. glad ya'll are doing well!

Cindy said...

Hey, glad to hear from you again!! Come see us sometime!! Cindy